What is fiction?

Raise up your hand if you’re one of those ready to doubt about everything, even your own reality. If you’re one of them, you’re one of us, welcome. We’re not coming here with any solution, but with a lot of questions. Our stories are made with this in mind.
How do you see the world?
So, stories are the way we decide to take account of reality, with alien eyes.
It’s always stimulating when reading stories, to have a glance of what the author has in mind. In a world enslaved by imagines, it’s fundamental. Gabriele Manca (DMQ productions), the designer, decided to collaborate with us in giving an immediate idea of what the story is about. His drawings are making the stories something more than just stories, giving them a new voice.
Different languages
All the stories they’re supposed to have a sense, to lead to an idea. As we said before, they can make you doubt about your own reality. In a sense, they have to be understandable in different ways by different people. It’s not as easy as it could sound. To make a bit more easier to digest, we decided to translate our fiction stories thanks to Daniele Frau, our creative copywriter.
Which stories?
For us, fiction isn’t just an empty category you use to find the right book in a bookstore. Fiction means a better understanding of the real deal, that reality that most of the time scares, gives us new ideas. We form our idea of the world with Grimm’s fairy tales, and Hansel and Gretel will always resonate when speaking about trust, or evilness. If we say The thousand and one nights, maybe what you think about immediately is how being smart can save your life.
We are not Grimm’s brother, but we try our best to deliver fiction stories that speak about reality and actual problems.
Souls Alive

Souls Alive is a novel about a world of souls, witch is also a printed book in Italian, published in 2019. This story is about a world very similar to ours, where humans discovered how to extract souls from other human beings. They are everywhere, in the object and the animals, but only the human souls can be removed and traded.
Go back to the future
In a future world not different from the one we used to live, started falling human beings from the sky. Who are they? What do they want from us? Go back to the future, with a card for each part of the story, tell us about people from the future coming back to the past in search of a better life.

Short stories
In the last section, short stories, you will find some fresh story to read. From a camels’ shepherd to a serial killer, from a painter with a taste for gruesome to an old lady trapped inside her routine in the middle of a war.
Read the stories and don’t forget to leave us a message!

Why is reading so important?

Reading is crucial because it improves the way you focus, your memory and your communication skills. Here at Flyingstories, we like to write free stories that can entertain you and help you learn Italian or English.
You can change the website’s language any time you want, just by clicking on the flag. In this way, you can read stories for free in Italian and English.
So, please don’t waste any more time. Read our fiction stories, comment and share!