Categoria: Our stories

D for denial, 1,2,3, oh yes almost there

Ready for some tricks? That’s called denial We had to deal with two Ds before, one for desire and one for distance. The desire helps us realize the character’s wishes and what lies underneath. A desire is more than a simple “Oh, I wish to arrive on time.” For instance, the small...

D for distance, happy we’ve got 2 more Ds?

Create a chain of events, with distance First comes the study of your characters, now it’s time to create some distance between them and their objectives. They start existing, walking, speaking, lighting a cigarette, or obsessively emptying a whole pack of gum. You started talking to them, and now...

D for desire

What is desire and why is it so important? You probably listened to a song called Freed from Desire. The idea sounds familiar? That’s because desire seems to enslave us for ages. We need to know how to control that craving and, as writers, how to fully understand it. We have...

The 4Ds

And none of those 4 Ds is for well done, pity Let’s see what 4 Ds can do for us. We tried to uncover our characters, maybe watching a colleague closely for years or just witnessing an old woman returning home in the metro. Whatever the case, we have the...

So what? Reached that point already?

Let’s dive deeper on our so what Go beyond weird silence Did you ever spend so much time with a friend that, in the end, what remains between you two is only silence? So what? It happens, right? That’s not the worst sensation since it’s better than talking just...

Show me your subtext, reveal yourself

Subtext For an actor, without subtext, the script would be simple text, easy words on paper, without further explanation. Without a reason, a motivation to use a specific term instead of another, the actor would lose what is more important to make a difference in his job: the emotions...

Il tuo dialogo è vivo!

Scene and dialogue Let’s speak about dialogue. We have an idea of whom our characters are and set the scene for them; now, they speak and we got to know them better through the subtext. And what is better to uncover the subtext then a well written dialogue? So, the...

E ora, scopriamo il tuo personaggio!

Make your character come to life We discuss character creation and how vital this phase is for story design. Getting into the Character by Brandlyin Collins is one of the best books to learn how to sketch your character. First, ask questions Rule number one when creating a brand...

Costruisci il tuo albero

If you want to build your tree, start from the roots We realized that to start writing a story, making your tree grow, isn’t that easy, even having the right tools. But what is the content of your story? It comes from your everyday life, inspired by something you...

Dove e quando, o ambientazione parte II

Where and when? Let’s discover the 5 Ws first Now, suppose you studied journalism as I did, where and when would have a different meaning to you. In that case, it’ll come naturally to you to think about where and when, or what is happening in a story even...