Go back to the future, the fall
Only now, that I fall from the clouds, I understand the real meaning of my life. It isn’t just a shape, but it is a shape of life, alive, this fall. I’m a comet, a message, an epiphany that won’t ever be recorded in any storybooks. A fall from...
Handle the past with a glove
Maybe it’s confusing, with all those women and men falling down from the future and a Villa from where people in the past are ready to shoot them. A real story becomes unreal, a need changes into a request and propaganda colour in white and black all the shades...
Japan Adventures
Tokyo, Japan 3,2,1 go! We start our journey in Dubai, but we can easily skip this detail to arrive directly here in Terminal 2, Narita Airport. It’s summer, and I can feel it in the air. However, here I can breathe, not as in other Asian destinations I visited....
A stranger
A camels’ shepherd During quarantine, the streets look empty, invisible skins of silent snakes. Few shops are still open, and masked men and women are busy making small pyramids of cereals and fruits here. Then, they put everything inside a small bag and send it to other masked men...
Tiny, forgotten, god
A god? Imagine you’re diving into the water. First, you start a quick, constant descent that makes even the stones turn their necks in envy. The air will leave your lungs, followed by the blood, which changes into a gleaming blue color. One by one, even your lightest thoughts...
Wooden splinter and a cat
They call him the cat Each step is a key for heels. When you go down the stairs, the steps seem all the same. It doesn’t matter if your legs are long or short. What really matters is the rhythm. 33,34, 35. <<Right, here we are.>> You’re never at...
Schegge di legno e schegge di gatto
L’ultimo sorriso del gatto Gli scalini sono tasti per tacchi. Quando si scende una scala, i passi sembrano tutti uguali, le gambe non conta quanto siano lunghe o corte. Ciò che conta è il ritmo. 33, 34, 35. <<Bene, ci siamo.>> Non c’è mai da stare tranquilli, con una...
La città
Una città a misura di mostro La città non era poi così grande, se non si contavano le decine di palazzoni, riempiti di nulla. Bolle speculative, mostri edilizi, metafore e similitudini di un mondo in apnea. Perfino in questo respiro trattenuto, comunque, si trovava qualcuno pronto a parlare, a...
La donna in blu
Una donna vestita di un blu lo saluta, proprio mentre S. esce dalla porta seguito dagli applausi della classe. <<Salve.>> Dice la donna vestita di blu. E che belle scarpe! <<S-salve.>> Risponde S. un po’ sorpreso. <<Sembra proprio lei abbia fatto una bella lezione. Mai sentito questi studenti applaudire...
A woman in blue
Such a nice pair of blue shoes! Suddenly, a woman dressed in blue appears. S. is walking out of the room, followed by applause.<<Hi.>> She wears such a great pair of blue shoes!<<H-hello.>>Answers back S., a bit startled.<<It seems that you gave an excellent lecture back there. I’ve never...