The portrait
The first painting he sold. Did he sell a portrait? No, he didn’t sell anything. That was his wife job. He made a portrait, an array of futility and he hated it from the very beginning. He produced it reluctantly while his nose was bleeding, forgetting even to eat,...
Interview with the alien
An interview, that’s all we need to know them Don’t think even for a moment that all of this went fast. No, the red button of fear needed to be touched softly and the fear to grow slowly inside you, like a flower or the grass in a garden....
The Explosion
A sudden explosion, like a shot That was a shot, a big crash. If you have never heard an explosion, it seems more like a shot, but its sound wraps you completely. Furthermore, the air flicks and the floor starts shaking terribly. You feel like a pawn, a lost...
Handle the past with a glove
Maybe it’s confusing, with all those women and men falling down from the future and a Villa from where people in the past are ready to shoot them. A real story becomes unreal, a need changes into a request and propaganda colour in white and black all the shades...
— Leggi il Primo Capitolo– — Leggi il Secondo Capitolo– — Leggi la puntata precedente– — Read in English– Sotto il cappello Sono giorni ormai che non si sente più alcun rumore nell’aria. Dalla stanza, la luce fioca di una lampadina sembra diventata un modo per sprecare energia, più...
Next three words
Discover Italian Ok, then. If you reach this page you probably are trying to study Italian and this is your second attempt. If not, read the previous article about the “C” sound with vowels A U O and I E. First, recap We said that the “C” sound can...
Quel ragazzo
— Read in English– — Leggi il paragrafo precedente — Una giornata di sole Per quanto assurdo possa sembrare, alcune giornate vengono definite “di sole”. Come se, in tutte le altre occasioni, il sole non fosse comunque là a testimoniare che non c’è solo un immenso buio a nascondere...
That boy
— Read in Italian– — Read the previous paragraph — A sunny day As absurd it would sound, sometimes we refer to a day as a “Sunny day”. As if in all the other cases the sun wasn’t there to show that the Earth isn’t hidden alone in the...